
Accessibility note

At Excelerate, we are committed to ensuring that our website and platform are accessible to all individuals, regardless of their unique abilities. We believe in providing an inclusive and welcoming online environment for everyone. Our commitment to accessibility aligns with our mission to empower individuals regardless of their background.

What We Do:

  1. Web Standards Compliance: We follow best practices and adhere to web accessibility standards to make our website and platform as user-friendly as possible for all visitors.

  2. Personal Assistance: If you need any help to participate in experiences offered by Excelerate, please reach out to us. We provide a dedicated team member who will be responsible for guiding you through the opportunity from start to finish, ensuring that you have a seamless and enjoyable experience.

  3. Feedback Welcome: We value your feedback and encourage you to reach out to us if you encounter any difficulties accessing our website or using our platform.

Contact Us for Assistance:

If you are facing any difficulties while accessing our website or require additional assistance to use our platform and access our experiences, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach our dedicated accessibility team by sending an email to accessibility@4excelerate.org. We are here to help and make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Your input is invaluable to us as we work to continually improve the accessibility of our website and platform. We appreciate your support and partnership in our mission to create an inclusive and accessible online space for all.